❊ My mum is going to be 60 this year and I'm making the invitations for her birthday. I think, I was inspired of the spring and the thought of summer soon to come. I'm listning to John Mayer and having a wounderful hour for myself. Hope you enjoy your weekend. ❊
Jeg bliver SÅ glad indeni, når jeg får gjort noget ved mine ideer og kreative sysler. Og jeg vil gerne vise, hvad der giver glæde og inspiration i min dagligdag. Det kan være lige fra noget min datter har lavet, noget jeg bare må vise frem eller mine egne små sysler. Følg med i min blog og lad dig inspirere. Tak fordi du kiggede forbi.
My blog is for inspiration and joy. Some of the posted things are homemade and other are just something I just need to show you. Hope you will enjoy and thanks for visiting.